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Kay Chan
Kay Chan

BA, LLB (Hons)

Admitted to Practice:

Signed Victorian Bar Roll:


14 February 2012

24 October 2019


Room 1526

Owen Dixon Chambers West

(03) 9225 6054

(03) 9225 7777 (Clerk)

0430 128 598

Kay practises in public, commercial and taxation law.

Public law

Kay appears and advises in relation to:

  • Judicial review proceedings and statutory appeals.

  • Merits review proceedings before VCAT and other specialist tribunals, including in privacy, freedom of information, licensing and occupational regulation.

  • Various other public law matters, including discrimination, repatriation of Aboriginal objects, statutory interpretation and government liability for unlawful decision-making.

Kay regularly appears in urgent and sensitive matters, including applications for closed court and proceeding suppression orders, and rulings on public interest immunity.

Commercial law

Kay accepts briefs in a broad range of commercial matters, including oppression proceedings, corporations law, property and contractual disputes.


Kay regularly advises taxpayers on issues of revenue law and objection and review rights.


Before coming to the Bar, Kay was a Senior Solicitor at the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office (VGSO) in the government and public law branch, specialising in regulatory, administrative and disciplinary law, and royal commissions.

Kay has also worked at the State Revenue Office where she conducted civil litigation from tribunal to appellate level and advised on tax lines such as stamp duty, land tax and payroll tax.

Kay read with Albert Dinelli. Her Senior Mentor was Jason Pizer QC.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation

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